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Alphanet SPRL
Chaussée de Willemeau 121
B-7500 Tournai
Téléphone : 069 84 79 54
TVA : BE 871.497.983
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HPE - 1 installation event - HW Installation and start up for ProLiant servers (U4618E)
€2.071,48(excl. BTW)
€2.506,49(incl. BTW)
HPE HW Installation & Start Up For ProLiant DL360 ( Per Server)
€1.616,27(excl. BTW)
€1.955,68(incl. BTW)
HPE - HW installation of ProLiant BL460c, BL480c additional Blade Servers (UE493E)
€218,81(excl. BTW)
€264,76(incl. BTW)
HPE HW Installation & Start Up For ProLiant DL380 ( Per Server)
€1.290,83(excl. BTW)
€1.561,90(incl. BTW)
HPE - 1 installation event - HW Installation only (U4554E)
€464,94(excl. BTW)
€562,58(incl. BTW)
HPE - 1 installation event - HW Installation only (U4444E)
€641,42(excl. BTW)
€776,12(incl. BTW)
HPE Installation (UH301E)
€238,42(excl. BTW)
€288,48(incl. BTW)
HPE Hw Installation Only Per Server - 1 installation event (U9520E)
€225,00(excl. BTW)
€272,25(incl. BTW)
HPE Hw Installation Only Per Server 1 installation event (U8195E)
€293,12(excl. BTW)
€354,68(incl. BTW)
HPE Onetime Installation (UJ261E)
€225,00(excl. BTW)
€272,25(incl. BTW)
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