
  • Winkelwagen is leeg!


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Alphanet SPRL
Chaussée de Willemeau 121
B-7500 Tournai
Téléphone : 069 84 79 54
TVA : BE 871.497.983
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Taal :
€365,76(excl. BTW)
€442,57(incl. BTW)
K120 KBD Bumper to Bumper EXT War Pack Collect 4 Years
€78,77(excl. BTW)
€95,31(incl. BTW)
Getac Rugged Keyboard with Smart card and USB2.0 3 year warranty (FR)
€369,77(+0,07)(excl. BTW)
€447,42(+0,08)(incl. BTW)
S410G4 i5-1135G7 (No Cam) 14in W11P 8GB/256GB PCIe SSD(main) SR(LCD) UK KBD + EU UK Power Cord Backl
€1.822,79(+0,32)(excl. BTW)
€2.205,57(+0,39)(incl. BTW)
F110- Detachable Keyboard 2.0 (ES /Spanish) Remark: 1NOT Compatible with F110G5. 2No I/O. No RF sign
€399,83(+0,07)(excl. BTW)
€483,79(+0,08)(incl. BTW)
K120 (Laptop) - Gamber-Johnson 7170-0693-03 Vehicle Dock with Tri Pass-through (include 120W vehicle
€1.464,05(excl. BTW)
€1.771,50(incl. BTW)
K120 (Laptop) - Gamber-Johnson 7160-1082-03 Vehicle Dock with Tri Pass-through (ex. vehicle adapter)
€1.222,14(excl. BTW)
€1.478,79(incl. BTW)
S410 - Gamber Johnson 7160-0790-03 Vehicle Dock with replication with Tri Pass-through (ex. vehicle
€1.051,27(excl. BTW)
€1.272,04(incl. BTW)
Removable Super Multi Blu-Ray for media bay
€139,30(excl. BTW)
€168,55(incl. BTW)
B360 - Removable 1TB PCIe SSD w/ Canister for main storage
€651,36(excl. BTW)
€788,15(incl. BTW)
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