
  • Winkelwagen is leeg!


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Alphanet SPRL
Chaussée de Willemeau 121
B-7500 Tournai
Téléphone : 069 84 79 54
TVA : BE 871.497.983
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3-yr NetCloud ENT Branch ESS Plan ADV Plan + E3000 WiFi router (5G modem) EU
€4.971,16(+0,12)(excl. BTW)
€6.015,10(+0,15)(incl. BTW)
PoE Injector 30W 802.3at w/1.8M EU Type F Line Cord W1850/W1855
€123,35(+0,06)(excl. BTW)
€149,25(+0,07)(incl. BTW)
3yr NetCloud Br 5G Adap EssenPlan Adv Plan W1855 outdoor adap
€3.425,65(excl. BTW)
€4.145,04(incl. BTW)
3-yr NetCloud Ruggedized IoT Essentials Plan Advanced Plan and R920 router with WiFi (300Mbps modem)
€2.091,14(excl. BTW)
€2.530,28(incl. BTW)
3-yr NetCloud Mobile Performance Essentials Plan Advanced Plan and R1900 router with WiFi (5G modem
€4.164,82(excl. BTW)
€5.039,43(incl. BTW)
R1900 IBR1700 IBR900/IBR950 Power Supply 12V Small 2x2 (C7 line cord not include) -30C to 70C
€60,47(+0,06)(excl. BTW)
€73,17(+0,07)(incl. BTW)
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