Alle inspanningen werden geleverd om de correctheid van de gegevens te verzekeren. e-nitiative kan in geen enkel geval aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor foutieve productbeschrijvingen, tax codes en/of prijzen in gevolge enige veranderingen.De verstrekte informatie (specificaties, taxen, prijzen...) is uitsluitend indicatief en kan op ieder moment zonder verdere aankondiging worden gewijzigd.
The growing tide of data breaches, leaks, and malicious software means your data security systems and procedures are vital. Our QSM for this XCubeNAS was built on a security-first ideology, it can offer you full protection of the data within your this XCubeNAS. Tools are provided to prevent protect the system from hacking, and interception of data, theft, and accidental deletion.The growing tide of data breaches, leaks, and malicious software means your data security systems and procedures are vital. Our QSM for this XCubeNAS was built on a security-first ideology, it can offer you full protection of the data within your this XCubeNAS. Tools are provided to prevent protect the system from hacking, and interception of data, theft, and accidental deletion.