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Alphanet SPRL
Chaussée de Willemeau 121
B-7500 Tournai
Téléphone : 069 84 79 54
TVA : BE 871.497.983
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HP IMC Service Operation Management Software Module E-LTU
€28.571,09(excl. BTW)
€34.571,02(incl. BTW)
HP PMM to IMC WSM Upg w/ 250-node E-LTU
€3.039,14(excl. BTW)
€3.677,36(incl. BTW)
HPE 1Y Ren FC NBD Exch HPE Aruba 3810M
€1.079,60(excl. BTW)
€1.306,32(incl. BTW)
Aruba 5Y FC 24x7 AW 50 Fail Over SVC
€15.636,68(excl. BTW)
€18.920,39(incl. BTW)
VMware vCenter Server Foundation to Standard Upgrade 5 Years E-LTU
€10.197,38(excl. BTW)
€12.338,83(incl. BTW)
IMC APM SW Mod Add 25-monitor - E-LTU
€2.304,60(excl. BTW)
€2.788,57(incl. BTW)
IMC Network Traffic Analyzer Module with 5-node - E-LTU
€2.765,03(excl. BTW)
€3.345,68(incl. BTW)
IMC User Access Manager Software Module Additional 50-user - E-LTU
€921,67(excl. BTW)
€1.115,22(incl. BTW)
HP PCM+ to IMC Std Upg w/ 200-node E-LTU
€3.221,35(excl. BTW)
€3.897,84(incl. BTW)
HP A-IMC MVM S/W Module w/50-node E-LTU
€20.225,95(excl. BTW)
€24.473,40(incl. BTW)
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